
Mylene Charron Equine Therapist

Full Treatment

Mylene Charron Equine Therapist

Structure and Muscles


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Like any Athlete, your horse works hard to get the job done and Equine therapy is a great way to provide relief from the Strain of these exercises.

Therapeutic Massage

To enable optimum performance, suppleness, flexibility and range of movement, muscles need to be appropriately strong, supple and working together in harmony and balance.

Full Deep Tissue Massage with acupressure points is done after Chiropractic Treatment. We believe that Structure adjustments are only efficient combined with Massage therapy to release all tension and keep the structure in place.

Treatment Options

-Initial Chiropractic and Massage Treatment

-Follow up Treatment

-60 minutes Massage

-90 minutes Chiropractic and Full Body Massage

-Annual Treatment

Book an appointment to know how may I help you and your horse feel better.

Contact Mylene Charron